Monday, 18 October 2021

My Post Lockdown Visit to Mistress Sapphire

Had promised myself this treat through all the dreary months of Lockdown, self isolating, and social distancing. The vaccination programme gave me the courage. And much needed therapy after a few traumatic months that had seen the loss of both my favourite brother and his lovely son. As Miss Sapphire, lovely lady, said as she pulled down my pants, perhaps they are watching. A nice thought that made us both laugh. And I had not done that for months. Alfred Roy

So this is it. After nearly two years, double vaccinated, I am making a long overdue visit to a favourite lady. In those two lockdown years I have missed this indulgence more than practically anything. To have my pants taken down and be whacked on the bare behind by a dominant mature lady is still sheer heaven. Or at least the anticipation of it is. But hardly surprising that nerves kick in as I near my destination. When you have not had a cane strike into your backside in earnest for so long you wonder if the shock and pain will subvert the pleasure. Will endorphins serenely float or will you finally decide that such indulgences are no longer for you.

I am well prepared. White rugby shorts, pale blue jumper and matching pale blue underpants. Change and present the erstwhile schoolboy. Chastisement needs to be bearable to begin with, hence the rugby shorts, comfortably thick, and a second layer underneath. Usually I wear fairly thin grey schoolboy trousers. Not this time, much padding is the order of the day. The lady is very understanding, senses the nervousness and the long absence. Checks my attire, approves, and says that she thinks she will start with a gentle spanking. Over her knee. A little bizarre but not that gentle. This is schoolboy punishment after all.

After a pleasant five minutes things start to get serious and I bend over her impressive leather bench, or horse if you like, for a well overdue introduction to a hefty strap. The first ten or so whacked into my pristine white rugby shorts and created a pleasing warming glow. The next twenty were with those pristine shorts removed and strap applied with vigour to my tight pale blue underpants. These made me squirm a little but were just about bearable to a bottom deprived for so long of such sensations. Getting warm in the rear I steeled myself as she took those underpants down. A heavenly indescribable feeling that those of the disciplinary faith totally understand.

This was now it, what I had waited for and wanted for so long. A heavy strap lashing into my bare and willing backside. A divine feeling, helpless, naked from the waist down, submissive. And a dominant lady raising her leather strap to blister a bottom that both welcomed and relished. It was heaven. I did not want her to stop. I reckon she lashed that strap onto my naked cheeks at least fifty or sixty times. I could have taken more. At least a hundred. But we were both exhausted. I rose, rubbed my burning bottom, smiled thankfully and pulled up my pants and shorts. Still pristine. A short respite. And then the cane. The final curtain from this long lockdown wait. I reckoned I was now ready.

Ready for my Edgware lady. Mistress Sapphire, one of the best in the business if not the best. Put her on the National Health and many of us would not need tablets. And now she held that cane. Not too thick, not too thin. Shiny and threatening. I was nervously ready to bend over that leather bench again. A warm up twenty or so over the rugby shorts, they stung, and a further twenty or so on the gleaming and tight blue underpants. And they stung even more, but I was now in the zone. I could not wait for her to pull those underpants down, and bare behind beckon for the ultimate caning. And I told her to do it hard. The endorphins were surging and feeling the raised ridges on my lacerated bottom I was eager for the final act. A sixty stroke therapy, a la the Leicester Governess, was the requested finale. And Miss Sapphire delivered them in spades. Five at a time, twelve sets, her maths are good. I spread my legs, underpants long pulled off, and shamefully exposed my private bits. I cared not, I cared only for the final lashing cuts of an Edgware cane. My bottom was desperate and I was conscious of keenly raising it to meet each rapturous stroke. Harder, harder, it was saying, whack me to a burning and long desired posterior fire. She did, and when I rose both feeling the burn and floating at its effect I was in that longed for blissful state of disciplined serenity. It had been a long wait but my Lockdown caning was well worth it. A bottom on sensuous fire is a pleasure that should not be denied.

Later on, spent and dressed, we chatted over the traditional tea and biscuits before I left. On my warming car drive home I vowed it would not be too long before I lowered my pants for her again. It makes all those vaccine jabs worthwhile.



Saturday, 24 July 2021

The Importance of Beating Earnest - Summer 1932 -Spanking excerpt

The recently posted story is pretty long so I thought you might like a taster to see if it appeals. It certainly appeals to me, as being spanked by a dominant lady on my bare bottom is still one of my abiding pleasures. It happens to Earnest in the summer of 1932 and all else that follows in the full story emanates from this defining moment. Pants down opportunities in Lockdown are few and far between. May my imagination compensate. Alfred Roy

‘What you did was reprehensible, Earnest.’

‘She asked for it.’

‘She did not ask to be kicked. There is no excuse.’

‘She annoyed me.’

‘And you, Earnest, showed a temper. A very childish temper.’

‘I’m sorry. I’ll go and apologise.’

‘You certainly will.’


‘After I have dealt with you.’


‘After I have dealt with you. You were very childish, Earnest, and as such you will be punished as a child.’


‘You will be punished as a child would be punished Earnest. Am I making myself clear?’


‘I am going to spank you. Spank you for kicking your sister. And after I have done so you can go and apologise to her. Now, take down your trousers.’

And, saying this, she stood up and I saw and sensed her full height and the severity of her demeanour.

She had meant what she said.


My mind was in turmoil. A woman I had not known less than a week before was proposing to take down my trousers and spank me. No, she wasn’t proposing, she was going to do it. I sensed it in her eyes and her stern expression. I stood frozen to the spot, letting the unfamiliar words sink in. My mother had never spanked me, not that I can ever remember, even though she had occasionally threatened both Holly and me. And our father, regularly absent on diplomatic trips abroad, considered it a distasteful task best left to the boarding school pedagogues. Or so he told me on the rare occasions when I displeased him. But my school used a cane or strap and I, mercifully, had suffered only the latter and only once. Three strokes, bending down, for inattention in a Latin class. A spanking, especially from a woman, especially with my trousers down, was to be an alien experience.


‘I have never been spanked. Can’t you just stop my pocket money?’

‘I could, but you need, in my opinion, a harsher lesson.’

‘What if I refuse?’

‘Refuse what, Earnest?’

‘Refuse to let you spank me.’

‘You can’t.’

‘Or refuse to take down my trousers.’

‘Then I shall do it for you.’

‘You have no right.’

‘I have every right. I have your mother’s permission.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

‘Believe what you wish Earnest, but if you do not take down your trousers this minute it will be the worse for you.’

‘But I have never been spanked.’

‘Then it is time you were, this afternoon shows it is richly deserved and overdue.’

‘Please miss, let me off.’

‘Earnest, trousers down. Now.’


The last instruction, her first sign of anger, cut off my tearful pleading. As I fumbled with the belt of my short summer trousers, she pulled out the chair and sat down in it again. Standing to the right of her I saw her smooth her skirt and pat her knee. The indication was clear. I was to be spanked as a small boy, even though I had just turned twelve. The shame of this realisation coupled with the dropping of my shorts to my ankles increased my distress and I started to blub even more. I pleaded with her again to let me off but her answer was to pull me towards her by my left arm and up end me over her lap. It was a strange position I had never been in before. I saw the carpet rising up to meet my lowering face, I felt the warmth of her body on my waist, and I experienced her lifting and positioning me so that my bottom was exactly where she wanted it to be. If I had any doubt about being spanked this was the moment when it deserted me. And strangely it was also the moment when I seemed to calm a little. Faced with the inevitable I had to steel myself for this new and unfamiliar experience. I took deep breaths and waited for her to begin. For a moment she did nothing, clearly looking at my prone figure and determining her action, or so I thought. Everywhere seemed to be so quiet, as if the birds had stopped singing, the wind cease blowing, and my sister stopping play. The latter, I later discovered, was certainly true. In the stillness I held my breath, ceased the incipient tears, and irrationally thought if I kept very quiet she would forget I was there. Forget I was over her knee, trousers down at ankles, bottom in the air, waiting to be spanked. As I said, an irrational thought killed by a sudden recommencement of action. And with hindsight I should have known. I felt her soft hands on my small summer top, lifting it up my back and then those same hands and fingers inserting themselves into the waist of my underpants and deftly pulling them down. All the way to my knees, both front and back. I sensed my nakedness. I sensed my small penis pressing into her skirt and I sensed the summer air on my now exposed bottom. All this happened in a moment and then those hands touched my bottom cheeks, almost exploring, and I gritted my teeth and screwed up my eyes. And then the left hand tightened at my waist and the right hand firmly slapped into my naked right cheek. I was being spanked for the first time and Miss Prudence Cavell, Aunt Prudence, was determined to make sure I remembered it. I was getting it on my bare bottom.


I do not know how long I was over her knee. Probably no more than five minutes, but in that five minutes I suffered the most painful experience that my small behind had ever endured. Aunt Prudence spanked with a vigour and a will and left not an inch of my naked bottom untouched. She only used her hand but it was a hand rich in expertise at finding the most tender flesh. Only my bottom and the uppermost part of my thighs felt her relentless sting but, much as I tried to anticipate, I never knew where she would strike next. After the first twenty or so I was in tears and pleading for her to stop but this only seemed to will her on to even harder slaps and by the time I had received another thirty or so those tears were practically exhausted and involuntary blubs and sobs had taken their place. Suddenly the smacks from her avenging palm got harder and slower and I both sensed and hoped that my spanking was coming to an end. Eventually it did, with two resounding slaps to each bare cheek, and in the silence that followed I could hear her breathing hard. I made no attempt to rise and she made no attempt to make me do so. I just lay there, exhausted and semi naked across her lap, as a calming influence came over both of us. My bottom was on fire with a burning and throbbing alien to my senses and my mind was still in turmoil from the whole experience. But gradually a warmth came over, a warmth which translated into an emotional feeling for my chastiser. Even whilst still over her knee I wanted to get up and kiss her and say thank you. Thank you for spanking me. Perhaps she sensed it, for after what seemed no more than a few seconds she gently tapped my scorched cheeks and bid me rise. The spanking was over.


The Importance of Beating Earnest (F/m) - Summer 1932 - Winter 1999

 This is a long story and was written during a period when I was waiting to say goodbye to my lovely elder brother. He would understand, it was a distraction needed at a traumatic time. If you liked the taster, posted above, then hopefully you will enjoy Earnest's journey. Alfred Roy

The Importance of Beating Earnest. (Summer 1932 – Winter 1999)


Summer 1932


I shall never forget my Aunt Prudence. She wasn’t really my aunt but that is what I later called her. She was more of a governess, first employed by my mother one summer for some reason I have forgotten. I was about twelve and my sister, Holly, was two years older. We lived in a large house in the coastal town of Lyme Regis and during that particular summer my mother was away for a few weeks, some relative had died I think, and Prudence Cavell was employed to look after us. Only a jobbing gardener and his cook housekeeper wife, both in their sixties, lived in the grounds of our house and were not considered suitable chaperones. Miss Cavell had come highly recommended by my mother’s sister. Thinking about it I think it was her who had died, but it is all so long ago I cannot be sure. I have forgotten the details. But I have not forgotten Aunt Prudence, as I prefer to call her. I haven’t forgotten her because about a week after my mother went away she spanked me. And it was no ordinary spanking.

I had been playing in the garden with my sister when she did or said something that angered me. Again I cannot remember what but I remember kicking her and her howl was almost instantly followed by a call from Aunt Prudence. My name, Earnest, rang out in stentorian tones. I had been seen and I was in trouble. I knew that. Aunt Prudence struck both Holly and me as pretty stern and house rules had been studiously laid down by both my mother and her. They did not bother us too much as we were both boarding school pupils and were used to petty and not so petty regulations. And we could circumvent most of them. And, besides, Prudence Cavell wasn’t an ogre and mild transgressions were amusingly tolerated. But this wasn’t mild, I had kicked my sister, and making my way into the house I knew that I was going to get a strict telling off. Or so I thought.

We were in the large living room which overlooked the garden and Aunt Prudence was sitting at a window table writing a letter. This was the 1930’s and people did such old fashioned things in those days. She was an elegant woman. Slim, quite tall, and with a pleasing face framed by short burnt ginger hair. At the time I would have said she was about forty years of age, young boys have little idea of such details, but later in life I realised that she could not have been more than twenty eight. She continued writing her letter and calmly told me to stand and wait until she had finished. There was an edge to her voice which I had rarely heard and I steeled myself for a long and boring lecture. After what seemed an age she put her pen down and turned to me.


‘What you did was reprehensible, Earnest.’

‘She asked for it.’

‘She did not ask to be kicked. There is no excuse.’

‘She annoyed me.’

‘And you, Earnest, showed a temper. A very childish temper.’

‘I’m sorry. I’ll go and apologise.’

‘You certainly will.’


‘After I have dealt with you.’


‘After I have dealt with you. You were very childish, Earnest, and as such you will be punished as a child.’


‘You will be punished as a child would be punished Earnest. Am I making myself clear?’


‘I am going to spank you. Spank you for kicking your sister. And after I have done so you can go and apologise to her. Now, take down your trousers.’

And, saying this, she stood up and I saw and sensed her full height and the severity of her demeanour.

She had meant what she said.


My mind was in turmoil. A woman I had not known less than a week before was proposing to take down my trousers and spank me. No, she wasn’t proposing, she was going to do it. I sensed it in her eyes and her stern expression. I stood frozen to the spot, letting the unfamiliar words sink in. My mother had never spanked me, not that I can ever remember, even though she had occasionally threatened both Holly and me. And our father, regularly absent on diplomatic trips abroad, considered it a distasteful task best left to the boarding school pedagogues. Or so he told me on the rare occasions when I displeased him. But my school used a cane or strap and I, mercifully, had suffered only the latter and only once. Three strokes, bending down, for inattention in a Latin class. A spanking, especially from a woman, especially with my trousers down, was to be an alien experience.


‘I have never been spanked. Can’t you just stop my pocket money?’

‘I could, but you need, in my opinion, a harsher lesson.’

‘What if I refuse?’

‘Refuse what, Earnest?’

‘Refuse to let you spank me.’

‘You can’t.’

‘Or refuse to take down my trousers.’

‘Then I shall do it for you.’

‘You have no right.’

‘I have every right. I have your mother’s permission.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

‘Believe what you wish Earnest, but if you do not take down your trousers this minute it will be the worse for you.’

‘But I have never been spanked.’

‘Then it is time you were, this afternoon shows it is richly deserved and overdue.’

‘Please miss, let me off.’

‘Earnest, trousers down. Now.’


The last instruction, her first sign of anger, cut off my tearful pleading. As I fumbled with the belt of my short summer trousers, she pulled out the chair and sat down in it again. Standing to the right of her I saw her smooth her skirt and pat her knee. The indication was clear. I was to be spanked as a small boy, even though I had just turned twelve. The shame of this realisation coupled with the dropping of my shorts to my ankles increased my distress and I started to blub even more. I pleaded with her again to let me off but her answer was to pull me towards her by my left arm and up end me over her lap. It was a strange position I had never been in before. I saw the carpet rising up to meet my lowering face, I felt the warmth of her body on my waist, and I experienced her lifting and positioning me so that my bottom was exactly where she wanted it to be. If I had any doubt about being spanked this was the moment when it deserted me. And strangely it was also the moment when I seemed to calm a little. Faced with the inevitable I had to steel myself for this new and unfamiliar experience. I took deep breaths and waited for her to begin. For a moment she did nothing, clearly looking at my prone figure and determining her action, or so I thought. Everywhere seemed to be so quiet, as if the birds had stopped singing, the wind cease blowing, and my sister stopping play. The latter, I later discovered, was certainly true. In the stillness I held my breath, ceased the incipient tears, and irrationally thought if I kept very quiet she would forget I was there. Forget I was over her knee, trousers down at ankles, bottom in the air, waiting to be spanked. As I said, an irrational thought killed by a sudden recommencement of action. And with hindsight I should have known. I felt her soft hands on my small summer top, lifting it up my back and then those same hands and fingers inserting themselves into the waist of my underpants and deftly pulling them down. All the way to my knees, both front and back. I sensed my nakedness. I sensed my small penis pressing into her skirt and I sensed the summer air on my now exposed bottom. All this happened in a moment and then those hands touched my bottom cheeks, almost exploring, and I gritted my teeth and screwed up my eyes. And then the left hand tightened at my waist and the right hand firmly slapped into my naked right cheek. I was being spanked for the first time and Miss Prudence Cavell, Aunt Prudence, was determined to make sure I remembered it. I was getting it on my bare bottom.


I do not know how long I was over her knee. Probably no more than five minutes, but in that five minutes I suffered the most painful experience that my small behind had ever endured. Aunt Prudence spanked with a vigour and a will and left not an inch of my naked bottom untouched. She only used her hand but it was a hand rich in expertise at finding the most tender flesh. Only my bottom and the uppermost part of my thighs felt her relentless sting but, much as I tried to anticipate, I never knew where she would strike next. After the first twenty or so I was in tears and pleading for her to stop but this only seemed to will her on to even harder slaps and by the time I had received another thirty or so those tears were practically exhausted and involuntary blubs and sobs had taken their place. Suddenly the smacks from her avenging palm got harder and slower and I both sensed and hoped that my spanking was coming to an end. Eventually it did, with two resounding slaps to each bare cheek, and in the silence that followed I could hear her breathing hard. I made no attempt to rise and she made no attempt to make me do so. I just lay there, exhausted and semi naked across her lap, as a calming influence came over both of us. My bottom was on fire with a burning and throbbing alien to my senses and my mind was still in turmoil from the whole experience. But gradually a warmth came over, a warmth which translated into an emotional feeling for my chastiser. Even whilst still over her knee I wanted to get up and kiss her and say thank you. Thank you for spanking me. Perhaps she sensed it, for after what seemed no more than a few seconds she gently tapped my scorched cheeks and bid me rise. The spanking was over.


I was a bit subdued for the rest of the day but like most young boys of the time I soon recovered. I was a bit nonplussed when my sister told me she had witnessed it all, or most of it through the garden window. Had heard the smacking and, curious at the sounds, arrived in time to see my bare bottom in the air getting the last thirty or so slaps. Fascinating she said and giggled. I wished her a similar experience, sadly never to come, and went to my room to reflect. Now that the burning had calmed down the after effect was not unpleasant and that, coupled with a rekindling of a picture of me over Miss Cavell’s knee, shorts and underpants adrift, played with my emotions. If I had no desire for a repeat I equally had no fear of it. As it happened I did get a repeat whacking from her but it was of a very different form and with a weapon much more fearsome than her palm. Three weeks after that unexpected bare bottom spanking Miss Prudence Cavell, my aunt Prudence as I now fondly remember her, caned me. A week later my mother returned home and I was not to see her again for two years. But she was constantly in my mind.


Summer 1934 – Part One


Looking back I am now convinced that Miss Cavell had a completely different approach to girls and boys. No matter what trouble my sister Holly got into she never received more than a mild disapproval of her conduct. The worst punishment she got, for staying out late one evening, was to be confined to her room the following day. And she was never threatened with anything else. I, following that sudden spanking, was conversely threatened at every turn. Behave Earnest, you know what happened last week, was a constant retort when I displeased. Allright, I was only twelve and my sister was a developing fourteen year old but that did not really explain it. I reckon my mother had said that she could smack my bottom if needed, a thing she had never done, but did not extend that rule to Holly. I ruminated on all this when my mother informed us that Miss Cavell was coming back for a few weeks this second summer. She was going to join our father on one of his many diplomatic trips and given the successful previous visit was happy to employ our governess again. After all, neither Holly nor I had complained about her. Quite the contrary, my mother enthused, you were full of praise for her. Surprisingly that was true, even though a few days before she had left Miss Prudence Cavell had given me a second taste of her disciplinary powers. If my mother had arrived home the same or following day I would probably have pleaded with her to never employ the woman again. But by the time she did arrive home six more days had passed and my experience had moved from exceedingly painful and humiliating to pleasant and confusing physical and emotional warmth. And now she was coming back.


She had waited until Holly was out. The gardener and his housekeeper wife had taken her to Sidmouth for the day. I thought I was going with them but Miss Cavell declined. Earnest is in trouble, she said, he can stay here for the day but you can take him as well the next time you go. I knew I was in trouble and, naively, thought this was to be my punishment. The spanking long forgotten. Two days earlier I had been brought home by the local police. A local Lyme Regis boy and myself had been caught stealing fruit from a market stall. We had done it before, mainly out of devilment and boredom, and the stallholder was getting wise to it. He tried to grab us and in our eagerness to escape we knocked over one of his wheelbarrows and a variety of vegetables cascaded down the street. The local bobby, apprised of the possibility by the stallholder, saw all and grabbed the pair of us before we had gone too far. The stallholder, a reasonable man, had no wish to press charges even though he was a bit miffed at having to rescue his sprawling vegetables. The bobby took us both to our respective homes and suggested, both to my pal’s father and to our ageing gardener, that warmed backsides would not come amiss. They all grinned and I and my friend sheepishly joined in. It was clear later that Miss Cavell had been informed of the situation but she said nothing, either then or the following day, and I assumed all was forgotten until the denial of a Sidmouth trip. And, much later, a call to join her in the garden living room. As on a previous memorable occasion she was sitting at the window table but not, as before, writing a letter.


‘I think it is time we settled this problem, Earnest.’

‘What problem, Miss Cavell?’

‘Do not be obtuse, Earnest, you know exactly what problem I mean.’

‘The market stall?’

‘Yes. And how to deal with it.’

‘I thought you had, Miss.’


‘By stopping me going to Sidmouth for the day.’

‘You think that is enough?’


‘A little unfair on your friend, do you not think.’


‘I saw his father yesterday and we chatted about it. We both thought the stallholder was very lenient with you both.’


‘He could have pressed charges.’


‘Which would have been very distressing.’


‘For all of us. Not least your mother.’

‘You don’t have to tell my mother, do you?’

‘No, but I would have if you had been taken to a juvenile court. As it is your friend’s father dealt with the matter himself. And I intend to do the same.’


When she suddenly stood up I had an inkling of where this was going. We were alone in the house, in the very room where I had received my unexpected spanking. She was dressed in the same dark blouse and tight fitting skirt that she had worn that day. The same burnt ginger hair framed the same pleasing face but the dark eyes, usually so friendly, had a determined and frightening look. She towered over me, or seemed to in that moment, and I became very conscious of my small frame and my thick dark blue summer shorts. It was then that my stomach began to churn.


‘Your friend smarted profusely under his father’s strap and will probably not be able to sit comfortably for a while. Unfortunately I do not have a strap, otherwise you would definitely feel it Earnest.’

‘Yes, I suppose so, Miss.’

‘So I will have to consider alternatives.’

‘Are you, are you, going to spank me again?’

‘Good heavens no. This is far too serious for that. I understand from your friend’s father that the strapping consisted of a good two dozen across his son’s bare behind. He is probably still crying. Deservedly so. To spank you, in my opinion, would be practically to let you off.’


Remembering my previous experience I did not think so but was not prepared to say. I sensed that things were getting serious.


‘I do not have a strap, but fortunately I do have a cane. It is time you felt it, young man. And do not protest, I think you know that when I make up my mind it is not deflected. Bend over that armchair.’


Three things registered with me in that moment. We were alone, conspired and arranged, in the room where I had first experienced Miss Cavell’s disciplinary powers. Echoes of bare bottom in the air, over her knee, zapped my brain. The chair, incongruously in the centre of the room, registered its significance for the first time, and on the table I finally saw the cane. Long and smooth and brown, it had been there all the while but only now did I see it. She picked it up and I started to cry.


‘I said bend over, Earnest. Do not keep me waiting or it will be the worst for you.’

‘Please Miss, I am sorry.’

‘Of course you are, and you will be even sorrier after your caning. Six on your shorts and the rest, as I decide, more severe.’


The words, threatening, reduced me to further tears and I bent over the back of the upholstered chair, as instructed, and gripped the arms. Resistance was useless. We both knew that. I was about to be caned and I knew not how many or in what state.


I was very soon to find out.


My tears were now flowing copiously and this was before I was caned. I screwed up my eyes, gripped onto the chairs side, and waited. I had never been caned, either at home or school, and had no idea how much it would hurt. All I knew was that my bottom was in the air and was soon to feel incredible pain. Or so I thought. And, how, I was not wrong. The cane tapped on to my trouser seat and Miss Cavell informed that I would get six and she expected me to take them without rising. I muttered something, I do not know what, and my response was instantly followed by a resounding thwack across my behind. The pain stung so much I was tempted to rise and beg forgiveness. There was a burning in my behind that I can only describe as excruciating. And that swipe, instantly followed by two more induced howls and discomfort. How I stayed in place I will never know. But I did. Six strokes she had said, only three more to go, and if I absorbed all without rising then maybe, just maybe, I shall receive some sort of approbation. How strange to feel such thoughts when your backside is being lacerated. And lacerated it was. The three that followed cut into my short covered behind, both high and low, and I howled even more. But I did not rise. I only did so, when sobbing and contrite and pleading, she said I could get up. But only to lower my shorts and underpants. I was to get twelve more, she said, on my bare behind. Be thankful, Earnest, she said, if this was a strap rather than a cane you would get twenty four. I wailed.


‘Please Miss’

‘Lower your shorts, Earnest.’

‘Please Miss, let me keep them on.’

‘No, Earnest. It would not be fair on your friend. Lower your shorts.’


I did so reluctantly, still sobbing.


‘And your underpants, please. Right down.’


I did as she bid. I knew there was no point in arguing with her anymore. My bottom was aching from the first six of the cane and now, I knew, I had twelve more to come. On my bare behind. My pants came down slowly, revealing everything below my waist. I did not care that she saw this, I was only twelve, but I did care about the cane in her hand and what it was shortly to do. I rubbed my sore bottom and turned to glance at her, pleading eyes saying please do not hurt me. Or not too much. I somehow knew it would be a futile plea. She was tapping the cane impatiently against her thigh, eager to continue my chastisement. I sobbed again, almost wailed I think, and opened my mouth as if to issue one final begging to be let off.


‘Bend over the chair, Earnest. Do not keep me waiting and then this will soon be over.’


I gulped and slowly did as I was told. I grip tightly onto the arms of the chair, trying to take comfort from the soft upholstery. I sensed her step towards me and lift my summer top, a pale blue cotton, away from my naked behind. I equally sensed her assessing that naked target area for her unrelenting cane. Hold still, she said, as she tapped it against my bottom. I steeled myself and inwardly sobbed again, an involuntary signal that I was ready. As ready as I ever would be. There is a moment when being caned, especially in this sort of situation, when time seems to stand still. A moment when all breath is held and the action frozen in time. And then the cane swoops down, lands emphatically across the arched and perversely welcoming backside, and leaves a weal and a sting that transmits to both bottom and brain a fiery pain that engulfs the senses. Broken only by the ensuing scream. I howled and wriggled when that first stroke struck into me. The fire was corrosive, the throb and sting all embracing. I wriggled and howled again. It did not deflect my chastiser. She brought the cane down again with a vicious swing and as it connected in a similar place to the first I howled even more and by the sixth, I could take no more, I rose, pleading and sobbing for reprieve. I clutched my bottom, sore and tender and on fire with ridges I could feel were inches high. My shorts and pants were at my feet and I begged for forgiveness. I must have made a sorry figure.


She looked at me, calmly, waiting for me to regain my composure, if such a thing was possible.


‘Take them right off Earnest. Take off your shorts and underpants. They get in the way.’

‘Please Miss, please Miss Cavell, don’t cane me anymore. Please let me off.’

‘No, Earnest, I said you were to get twelve strokes of the cane on you bare bottom and twelve strokes of the cane it will be. You only have six to go and then you will thank me.’



I wailed again.


‘Not now maybe, but later.’

‘I hate you.’

‘I doubt it, but I understand. But now take those shorts and pants off and bend over the armchair again for your final six. Think of your friend.’


I did as she bid again. You could not argue with Miss Cavell. Everything she said made sense, if only afterwards. I sobbingly pulled off my shorts and underpants and stood facing her, covered only by my summer top. I was still rubbing my behind, desperately trying to ease the sting, when I bent over for my final six. And then she said something which has remained with me for the many years of my adult life. It has remained with me because her saying it and my reaction said much about my incipient sexuality. I was only twelve but one day I would be a man. I understood none of it at the time but maturity fills in many gaps. She said, raise your bottom Earnest, raise it up so that I have a good target, and I can give you what you know you deserve and need. And I did so. In spite of my sobbing, my wailing, my protestations, my pleading to be let off, I did as she asked. I raised my lacerated bottom, six of the cane on shorts, six on bare, and silently invited the final six strokes. Higher she said, and I did, compliantly. Two in a dance of pain. One to wield and one to suffer. I screamed and howled at those last six, stroke after stroke searing lashing my naked cheeks. I writhed and wriggled but I stayed in place, absorbing every fiery sting. And when she had finished I ran from the room, clutching my burning bottom, and ascended the stairs to my bedroom and flung myself down on the bed. Cursing my tormentor and rubbing, furiously, at a behind I was convinced would never recover. I think I cried for nearly an hour.


She came into my room later. I think my crying had stopped. I felt her hands and some cold cream on my bottom, gently and soothingly easing my pain. I will still laying face down on my bed and I welcomed her touch. Soon be better, she said, but had to be done. And then she left. And a week later with little else said she left our house for good. Sadly missed in spite of everything. And now she was coming back and I had so many questions to ask her. I was now fourteen and I had never forgotten. Never forgot all she had done to me. I both feared and thrilled her return and understood neither emotion. All I knew was that Miss Prudence Cavell was returning and I could not wait to see her.


Summer 1934 – Part Two


‘Where did you get the cane?’

‘Why on earth do you want to know that, Earnest?’

‘Because I know you have brought it with you again.’

‘Did your friend tell you that?’

‘Yes, when I saw him yesterday.’

‘I see.’

‘He told me you had lent it to his dad.’

‘I hope it was put to good use, Earnest.’

‘It was. His dad caned him twelve times with it.’

‘Not enough, considering what he did.’

‘They were on his bare behind.’

‘I should hope so, Earnest.’

‘You still haven’t told me where you got it.’

‘And I have no intention of doing so. It is the one I brought with me two years ago. I am sure you remember that.’

‘Yes. Have you always had one?’

‘Since I became a governess, yes. Almost ten years. A very useful weapon.’

‘I know. Have you caned many people with it?’

‘You are asking too many questions, Earnest. Finish your meal and then come and help me with the washing up.’


I was asking too many questions. My Lyme Regis pal told me that his dad had borrowed the cane from someone and he thought it might be my governess. He had started a fire at the bottom of their garden, to roast some spuds he said, and almost burnt down their shed. The fire brigade was called and there was mayhem. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it all. I didn’t see my pal for a few days and when I did he told me how his dad had reacted. The same night, whilst the embers of the fire were still emitting faint traces of wet smoke, he had been taken to his room and whacked on his bare behind with the most vicious cane. He knew he would be punished but he thought it would be his dad’s strap, the usual weapon of choice. He was gobsmacked when his dad came into his room brandishing the cane. Borrowed this from a lady friend, he said, so drop your pants and let’s create another fire. I just knew it was Miss Cavell’s, it had to be. His dad knew that she had caned me two years before because his son had told him at the time. What I did not know, but was to find out later, that in exchange he had lent her his strap.


It came about quite out of the blue. Miss Cavell had been with us for about a month and apart from a couple of occasions when, frowning at some minor misdemeanour, she alluded to her disciplinary powers we had got on very well. You are not too old at fourteen to be spanked Earnest, she said a couple of times. Once when I dropped and broke a posh dinner plate whilst washing up and once, slightly more seriously, when she caught me trying one of my father’s cigarettes from a fancy case in his study. But she smiled when she issued these minor threats and I sheepishly grinned. But all in all we got on very well. She regularly took both Holly and me to the cinema and to restaurants, most enjoyable, and shopping which wasn’t. Women shopping, and Holly was now nearly a woman, is very boring to fourteen year old boys. And we often did jigsaws together in the evening and listened to music on the radio. But one evening, a particularly rainy one I seem to remember, whilst Holly and I were reading she came into the living room and told Holly to go to her bedroom and to stay there until called. I thought for a moment that Holly was in trouble but within a few moments I realised it was me. Miss Prudence Cavell had that familiar look in her eyes that, two years before, had painful consequences for me.


‘Well, young man?’

‘Well what?’

‘Well what, Miss Cavell.’

‘What Miss Cavell?’

‘I think you know perfectly well, Earnest. But I would like you to tell me so that I can decide how to deal with it.’

‘I don’t.’

‘I think you do and the more you prevaricate, the worse it will be. I have already spoken to your mother.’

‘My mother?’

‘Yes. She telephoned me this morning to see how things were going with you and Holly. Very well I said. Except for one pressing problem.’

‘Concerning me?’

‘Concerning you and a Mr Peabody.’

‘Oh that.’

‘Yes, Earnest, that. I think I deserve an explanation.’

‘It was nothing to do with me.’

‘Mr Peabody says there were three of you and you were trespassing.’

‘We weren’t trespassing.’

‘Oh, so you admit you were one of them.’

‘We were just mooching around. Nothing much to do in Lyme Regis when it’s cold.’

‘Mr Peabody says you were trespassing on private property. A group of flats of which he is the warden. He told you all to clear off.’

‘Which we did. Honest.’

‘I see little honesty here Earnest, not unless you tell me the rest.’

‘He threatened to shoot us. Was going to get his gun, he said. Stupid man. We just laughed. But we went.’

‘But not before doing a considerable amount of damage to his vegetable plot.’

‘Well, wouldn’t you take the quickest way out when threatened with a gun?’

‘I am asking the questions, Earnest. You answer them.’

‘There isn’t anymore.’

‘There is Earnest, and you know it. As they left two of the boys pulled down their shorts and exposed themselves to him and two middle aged ladies who had come out to see what all the fuss was about.’

‘That wasn’t me.’

‘No. It wasn’t you. Mr Peabody recognised the boy who did not pull down his shorts. But he was encouraging them and laughing. That is how I came to be told.’

‘What did my mother say?’

‘She said I should deal with the matter as I saw fit.’


I gulped.


I knew then that I was in serious trouble. I should have realised when she entered the living room wearing a similar severe looking blouse and skirt that echoed earlier unpleasant previous experiences. Usually in the evening she wore slacks and a loose top. I protested that we had only ambled around the flats, that Mr Peabody was a danger to the public, and any damage done was because he had scared us with his threat. There then followed a lecture about public schoolboys setting an example for the local youths and, far from being frightened, we were all laughing at the ridiculous man and exposing ourselves to both him and two sensitive women. Not me, I said, and not willies. It did me no good. Mr Peabody was the stallholder who had got me in trouble before and that is why he recognised me even if I thought I had changed in the two years since I overturned his wheelbarrow. Like the previous occasion he would not press charges, providing I gave the names of my companions and that, in his words, we all got a damn good thrashing and he got to see the results. I could not comply with the request to reveal names, schoolboy honour, and in not doing so I knew that the second part of his ultimatum would be doubly fulfilled.


‘What are you going to do?’

‘What do you expect?’

‘That you will cane me. Or spank me.’

‘Spank you? I think you are a little too old for that. Besides, that punishment would be too mild.’

‘What did my mother say?’

‘She has left it in my hands. I said I would do what is necessary.’

‘To please Mr Peabody.’

‘Do not be flippant. Earnest, it does not suit you.’


‘I have borrowed your friend’s father’s strap. It seems to me to be appropriate. After all, he is well acquainted with it and I have no doubt he was one of the other two boys. Boys you refuse to name.’

‘I can’t.’

‘No’ I understand that. But it will not lesson your punishment. I intend to give you eighteen strokes of his strap. I have no choice. On your bare backside. So get yourself ready. You know what to expect.’

‘Must I?’

‘Yes. And then we shall have to take you round to Mr Peabody. He was insistent on that.’


And with that final declaration she moved to the chair, my punishment chair as I strangely thought, and placed it in the middle of the room. I moved towards it, trembling, fearful, but resigned. It was as I fumbled with the belt of my shorts, readying myself to lower them, that I saw Holly standing in the doorway. Transfixed. I paused. I thought Miss Cavell was going to send her back to her room whilst she strapped me. But for some reason she decided against it. Holly said she realised quickly why she had been sent out. She had seen my first spanking two years before, never forgotten it, and knew that I had also been caned. She could tell from my demeanour when she came home and, besides, the cane was still lying around. Almost as a message to the household. She had guessed, or more likely hoped, that it would happen again sometime during this visit. She would like to watch. I just stood by the armchair, blushing violently and keeping silent whilst my sister and our governess had the weirdest debate I have ever heard. By the time they finished talking I was crimson beetroot, breathing heavily, and on the verge of tears.


‘Watch, Holly?’

‘Yes, watch.’

‘Watch me give a strapping to your young brother?’


‘On his bare behind?’

‘Yes. Why not.’

‘Why not what? Why not on his bare behind, or why not allow you to watch?’


‘Why would it interest you?’

‘It doesn’t, but you are going to strap him anyway. I know that, and I know you have done it twice before. I could stay in my room and imagine it all.’

‘But you don’t want to.’



‘It might be worse in my mind than seeing it. I love my younger brother but I know he can be a pain. Probably deserves all he gets. Seeing you deal with him makes it more bearable.’

‘But what about Earnest? If you stay I could let him retain his shorts and underpants. Save some embarrassment.’

‘Somehow, I don’t think you would do that.’

‘No, definitely not. This will be as much for Mr Peabody as anyone. It has to be on his bare behind.’

‘Which you have seen a few times, at least twice, so Earnest must be getting used to it.’

‘I will not hold back, just because you are here. It is to be eighteen strokes of the strap and I shall be obliged if you remain still and silent whilst I administer it.’

‘I promise.’

‘It will add to Earnest’s humiliation. After all, he may not have exposed himself, but he was happy for others to do so. Knowing his sister can see his bare bottom being strapped may add to his shame.’


Earnest. Lower your shorts and bend over the chair. We have waited long enough.’


I was mortified. It clearly did interest my sister to see me get strapped, in spite of what she said. Her face was flushed and her eyes sparkling. I reckon Miss Cavell knew this and decided it would add to my shame especially as she would not be deflected and I was to get it on the bare behind. If I had any fervent wishes as I undid my shorts and pushed them down it was that one day I might see Holly getting the same treatment. And as I bent over the back of the chair and clung on to the arms my futile wish was that she would be devoid of knickers when it happened. Miss Cavell approached my prone position and lifted up my top. Nothing was to get in the way and I sensed this was going to really hurt. Mr Peabody wanted to see the evidence. The strap was made of thick brown leather, two strips sealed together, and was about eighteen inches long and a couple of inches wide. I knew all this because I saw it on the armchair when she had crossed to move it into position. She had just picked it up when Holly came in. It could do a lot of damage to a boy’s unprotected behind. I waited and that behind, mine, felt the underpants being pulled down. Not all the way down as when I was caned, probably because Holly was in the room, but enough to make sure both of my bottom cheeks were fully exposed. I flinched and waited. Eighteen strokes, she said, and I would not get up if I were you Earnest if you wish to avoid any extra embarrassment. Just for a second it all went quiet, Holly was clearly holding her breath, and then the strap landed right across the centre of my behind with a resounding thwack. I gasped, the pain was awesome. And then the next followed, and the next, quicker and quicker and harder and harder and I gasped and squirmed even more. Aaagh, I said, ineloquently. The strapped lash into my naked backside and sent fiery pain both across it and up into my brain. After seven or eight I jumped up, clutching my now burning bottom, and crying tearfully for her to stop.


Looking back I can only think that Miss Cavell was unfamiliar with the weapon and was testing it out quickly to see its effect. But a combination of her speed, power, and accuracy as it savaged my poor bottom made it impossible to stay in place. Fortunately the half lowering of my underpants meant that, even as I cavorted, decency in front was maintained. I am sorry I tearfully said as looking into Miss Cavell’s strangely sad face, I bent over again and presented my throbbing and scarlet rear. And then something very peculiar happened. She said, very quietly, just four more Earnest, we will stop at twelve. I think we can satisfy Mr Peabody. Then she gave me those final four. They were as hard as the previous eight but slower and more measured. Easier for me to absorb even though I gasped and howled at each one. I rose and turned and, remembering Holly, pulled up my underpants and shorts and left the room. Half an hour later, bottom still a glowing fire, the two of us walked to Mr Peabody’s. The ten minutes I spent there were the strangest ten minutes of my life.


‘I trust you have dealt with the boy?’

‘That is why we are here Mr Peabody.’

‘Has he told you the names of the other two boys?’

‘He will not do that.’

‘Schoolboy’s honour eh?’

‘Something like that.’

‘Then you ought to thrash him again.’

‘That was not part of the agreement.’


‘You said, Mr Peabody, that if Earnest was chastised for his part in the unfortunate incident that you would not press charges against him.’

‘I did.’

‘And you are also an honourable man.’

‘I am, but I want to see the evidence.’

‘That is why we are here. Earnest, show Mr Peabody your bottom.’


I had not said anything, and was not to do so now. I undid my shorts and turned my back to Mr Peabody and lowered them to my knees. He walked over to me, so close I could smell the beer and tobacco on his breath, and roughly pulled my underpants all the way down. I was glad Holly was not there. Then he lifted my top and gave a small whistle.


‘That is certainly a well tanned backside, Miss Cavell, no doubt about that. Lots of scarlet bruises across both buttocks, just as it should be. He won’t be sitting down for a while.’


So Mr Peabody was satisfied and when we got back home and I looked myself in my bedroom mirror, boys always do, I could see why. There were numerous thick red strap marks across both of my cheeks, going purple at the edges. I knew from my previous experience of Miss Cavell’s cane that these would last quite a while. But unlike that previous experience, I was only twelve then and now I was fourteen, that night I had my first nocturnal emission. I had a boy’s first wet dream.


I never told Miss Cavell.


Spring 1938


I had seen Miss Cavell a few times in the years between 1934 and 1938. Things were getting very unsettled in Europe and my father was regularly away and, occasionally, my mother went with him. Even when she didn’t Miss Cavell would come and stay with us for a week or so for a holiday. My mother and she got on terribly well, too well I sometimes thought thinking back to their arrangement regarding me. But I was no longer a twelve or fourteen year old boy and was in no need of a governess. In the holidays I often stayed with my father’s parents in the Cotswolds and Holly, now nearing twenty, had a flat in London. It was quite fun when Miss Cavell stayed with us because, even though there was never any danger of me getting smacked, it was occasionally alluded to. Even in front of my mother. Once, I think I was nearly seventeen, I got a bit drunk on some sweet wine at an evening dinner and knocked over a vase of flowers and was soaked. Much laughter followed and then Miss Cavell said, quite seriously to my mother, I would have spanked him for that a few years ago. I had the decency to blush before we all laughed again. But in the spring of 1938 we were thrown together again. And this time it was just the two of us in her delightful small cottage in Northumbria. It was only for ten days but it was memorable. Especially memorable for me as it was the last time Miss Cavell caned me. The weekend before I left. And it was at my request. I need to explain.


I was in love with her. Had been ever since that afternoon when she took a twelve year old over her knee and spanked his bare bottom. I remember thinking on that memorable day that I had an overwhelming desire to hug her and kiss her after she had dealt with me. The caning and the strapping I had, the latter when I was fourteen, were momentous and painful but surprisingly the aftermath of both was not unpleasant. I particularly remember the Peabody strapping, as I call it, because I gazed at my backside in the mirror for ages afterwards. I was fascinated by the wide blazing red strap marks across both of my cheeks, heightened by the pure white of the surrounding skin. I could not stop touching them, feeling the hard ridges and the warmth. I reckon it was then that I realised, although the complete realisation did not come for some years, that I was a total submissive. I enjoyed pain, humiliating and painful pain, as long as it was on my bottom. Ever afterwards I had fantasised about Miss Cavell and what she did, and in my mind I had many repeats. And my body had many emissions. And now, due to my parents being called away suddenly and not wishing me to be on my own, I was spending ten days in Miss Cavell’s cottage. Just the two of us. I would soon be eighteen, my hormones were raging. But not for sex, certainly not with Miss Cavell. But how I wanted her to thrash my naked bottom. The question was, could I arrange it?




‘You seem distracted.’

‘I am.’

‘Why? Surely you are not worried about what happened today?’

‘Only for you, Miss Cavell.’

‘Prudence. Prudence, Earnest. I have told you often enough that you are now old enough to call me Prudence.’

‘I can’t. It does not seem right.’

‘Aunt Prudence then,’

‘Yes, that sounds better. Aunt Prudence.’


We both giggled. Wine after a super meal had freely followed a trying day.


‘Aunt Prudence. Smacker of naughty boy’s bottoms.’

‘Not anymore, Earnest. You are not a boy anymore.’

‘That is what you said to the policeman.’

‘Did I?’

‘Yes. You said, when this young man was fourteen I would have smacked his bottom for this. As it is I shall just have to pay his fine.’

‘He laughed.’

‘I know.’

‘But he also said, he don’t look too old to me Miss. My boys are his age and they still get my belt when called for. You looked aghast.’

‘I was embarrassed.’

‘At being reminded of your stupidity, or at being reminded of what could have happened if you were  a few years younger?’


‘Well just be glad you are nearly eighteen because, believe me Earnest, much as I have enjoyed having you with me, a couple of years ago I would have had you dropping those pants.’


I went very quiet.


‘Earnest, do you want to say something?’


‘Go on.’

‘I think you should.’

‘Should what?’

‘Take my pants down and smack my bottom.’


There, I had said it, and the evening air stilled.


Miss Cavell had a chappie who used to come round every couple of weeks to tend her garden. Whilst I was there he brought his fifteen year old son with him. He needed to go to the local market for some new plants and his son was to tend the garden whilst he was away. About an hour. Miss Cavell decided to go with him to help choose the plants. They left in the gardeners van. Her own car was in the road by the cottage. It was quite a flashy two seater, bright red, and so unlike Miss Cavell it had fascinated me when she had picked me up from the station at the start of my visit. Shortly after they left I saw her car keys on the kitchen table. I could drive, even though I did not have a licence, and in an inexplicable moment I decided to take it for a short spin. Showing off I took the gardener’s lad with me as a passenger. The rest is inevitable history.



‘What I did was wrong. Taking your car without permission, getting stopped by that policeman when I nearly knocked him off his bike, and not being able to produce a driving licence because I don’t have one.’

‘I mean why do you think I should discipline you? I can get your mother to take the fine out of your allowance if it makes you feel happier.’

‘Don’t tell my mother, please.’

‘I won’t.’

‘And I shouldn’t smack your bottom. I think you would enjoy it too much. Lots of men do.’

‘I am not a man.’

‘No, you are a boy, but a growing one. As I said, you will be eighteen soon.’

‘And I won’t enjoy it. I never have, or only afterwards.’

‘I have always suspected that. Especially after your Peabody strapping. You spent a long time in your bedroom.’


I blushed at the memory.


‘So no, Earnest, I will not smack your bottom. Not spank you as if you were still a little boy but, as you will be leaving soon, I will cane you. For old times’ sake. But I promise you, you will not enjoy it. I shall be thinking of the nasty scratch marks on my lovely car. And also the possible consequences if you had lost control. I reckon that deserves eighteen, don’t you?’


I said nothing.


‘So let us do the washing up and then you can go to your room and get ready. I suggest that you take off your trousers when you get there. And take the cane. I know you are aware of where it is. I saw you looking at it the other day.’


And with that she rose from the table and ruffled my hair. Twenty minutes later I was standing in my bedroom in only shirt, vest, and underpants holding the awesome weapon that was soon to sear my behind. And I was both scared and anticipating. Surging with inexplicable excitement and trembling fear. I touched my penis beneath my underpants; it was filling and stiffening as I knew it would. My hand was still on it when Miss Cavell entered the room. She looked but said nothing. Her eyes had that familiar gleam I had seen before and she had changed into a strict black dress. She took the cane off me and said, quietly and calmly,


‘Bend over Earnest and touch your toes or as far down as you can, and present me that bottom. It will probably be for the last time.’


That memory, that instruction, has remained with me for years. It was the last time and looking back on it, I now realise how mature my strange sexuality must have seemed at the time. Seventeen year olds are supposed to be confused about their sexuality. I was not, either then or now. From that day in 1932 when she had taken me over her knee and bared my bottom and spanked me I was hooked on discipline from dominant females. Miss Cavell may have later regretted her part in my awakening but I am convinced it would have happened with or without her initial push. The three with a strap at boarding school had released strange emotions in me and later canings, watching or receiving, produced sensations in my being that I did little to understand. I just knew they were there. Painful experiences followed by fascinating aftermaths. But nothing compared with being caned or strapped by Miss Cavell. I had waited three years until this next opportunity arose. She knew, and I knew. I was a boy, she was a woman, but in this one strange dance we were almost equals. I bent over and nearly touched my toes and, pushing out my bottom, waited for her to lift my shirt. It was a long wait.


‘You present a lovely picture, Earnest. Beautifully submissive.’


I said nothing, just waited for that exquisite sensation I knew was to come. My shirt was slowly lifted up my back, rolled up in fact to ensure it stayed out of the way, and my tight fitting white underpants were slowly pulled down. I had worn these especially for this caning and being tight they had displayed my obvious erection. Miss Cavell could not possibly be unaware but, bizarrely, I felt no shame as she pulled the underpants down releasing a stiffness that sprang to its full height. As the pants slipped to my knees I was deeply conscious of my burgeoning boyhood and my naked behind awaiting chastisement. I knew she would expose my flesh. There was no chance of the promised cane strokes being on my covered bottom; indeed I would have been disappointed if they had. Miss Cavell had spanked and caned me bare when I was twelve and strapped me in the same manner when I was fourteen. At seventeen, her decision made, it could be no other way. I had nothing she had not seen before, albeit not in its current state. She pressed on my back, told me to stick out my bottom, and tapped the cane across it. Eighteen Earnest, she said, and I intend them to hurt. Do not get up. I did not. She gave me the strokes in three sets of six, allowing a short pause between each set so that I could steel myself for more of the rising pain. As the first stroke lashed across the centre of my behind I gasped. It stung far more than I expected. How I absorbed the next five I do not know, but I did. I slightly rose and rubbed my burning cheeks and noticed that the rampant penis was already flagging. I bent again and readied myself for the next set. They and the final six followed fairly quickly and when I finally rose, vigorously kneading my lacerated backside I had signs of tears in my eyes and a complete extinction of penile excitement. My shirt dropped, covering all in front and behind, and Miss Cavell smiled at me and left the room.


The penile excitement returned around an hour later. I was naked, examining my behind in the bathroom mirror and the fascinating marks and emblazoned weals across my cheeks mesmerised. Enhanced even more when I touched the hardened warm skin. I was in the aftermath of disciplinary heaven and, unsurprisingly, my body begged for the inevitable release. It only took a couple of minutes of gentle manipulation for the gushing flow to spurt. I slowly subsided and stepped into the waiting shower, already on to cover any vocal sounds as I ejaculated. I slept well that night.


Summer 1976


It was very hot that summer and lasted longer than any other of the twentieth century. I was directing an open air production of an Oscar Wilde play and had prayed, fervently, all along that the weather would stay kind. It was an important theatrical production. Lyme Regis had invited me to direct it because, to quote their own words I was a local boy made good. I had turned to theatre after the war and university and after struggling as an actor, not very good, found my feet in stage management and, much later, directing. That summer was the 25th of my directing career and may, or may not, have been another reason for the local council inviting me. At least my name was in the theatrical press and if they could capitalise on it, who could blame them. And the fee was pretty good. I had invited both Holly and Prudence Cavell to see it on the third run and, afterwards, the three of us had a sumptuous meal at a local Indian restaurant. Holly left early as she had a fairly long drive to the house she lived in with our ageing mother. I was staying locally in a house I had rented for the summer and Miss Cavell was my more than welcome guest. We had always kept in touch, mainly by phone and letters, but the last time we met was at my father’s funeral and she spent most of the time with my mother. Now we could imbibe for an hour or so more.


‘I wonder why she never married?’

‘Married to her job, I think.’

‘Cancer research isn’t it?’

‘Something like that, far too scientific for me to absorb.’

‘She always was the clever one, Earnest.’

‘Whereas me?’

‘Imaginative. Your play tonight showed it. Rich in ideas.’

‘Helps to have imaginative actors, although I don’t tell them. Far too conceited as it is.’


I paused and took a sip of brandy.


‘Neither of us have ever married, Aunt Prudence.’

‘Far too late for me, Earnest. I shall be seventy next year.’

‘I know. Makes you only about fourteen years older than me and yet....’

‘When you first met me you thought I was much older.’


‘I wonder why.’


She paused, laughed, and took a sip out of her own brandy.


‘No you don’t, you old fraud. You know exactly why.’

‘Because I spanked your bottom.’

‘My bare bottom. Lets us be factually accurate.’

‘Yes. Must have made an impression on Holly. She still remembers it.’


‘We were in the ladies after the play. He’s a great success, she said, I am very proud of him. You must be too.’

‘I am, I said.’

‘So you should be, she said, you are the lady who smacked the great director’s bare bottom.’

‘He was only twelve or so.’

‘In a way he still is, she said.’


She paused again and took another sip of her brandy.


‘Are you, Earnest? Are you still a twelve year old boy inside?’

‘More like fifteen, really. Except when I am being theatrically bossy.’

‘And when you are not?’

‘I go to see people, people who satisfy a need.’

‘A need that I engendered?’

‘Not really. I reckon it was in me from a small child. You merely lit a fire that was already smouldering.’

‘I always found you amazingly mature, Earnest. Most people do not come to terms with their sexuality until in their thirties. If ever.’

‘I had a good teacher.’

‘Yes, and you had a delightful bottom.’


We both laughed uproariously and downed our brandies and, at her bidding, ordered another.


‘It is a good job you are not driving, Earnest.’

‘Yes. Earnest. Takes me back to childhood. Thank God, I changed it when I started directing.’

‘Earnest directing Earnest. Would sound a bit funny.’

‘I still use it though.’

‘When you go to see one of your, your people?’

‘My mistresses. Yes. When I play the faux schoolboy, in the faux schoolroom, I am always known as Earnest.’


She took a large sip of her brandy and smiled at me.


‘The Importance of Being Earnest?’


‘Yes. The Importance of Being Earnest. Your Earnest.’



Winter 1999


We are waiting for the ringing in of the millennium, if indeed that is what the year 2000 is. I am still around, obviously, nearing eighty and so is Miss Cavell. We still write. She is in a care home now. Have been to see her a couple of times but it is a long way, in Northumbria, and driving is not my favourite occupation these days. When she first moved in I met her son. Never knew she had one, she never talked about him. Born during the war so a good twenty years younger than me. He clearly loved her, told me so. The father, an American soldier, did a bunk before he even knew she was pregnant. Or so she always told him. The son’s name was Earnest, well Nigel Earnest to be precise, and it made me laugh. Loved my mother he said, brought me up single handed, combining teaching and me was a bit of a strain, he said. But she kept a firm grip even when I was in my stroppy teens. Amazing woman.


I agreed.


But I never asked.


Never asked if she ever smacked his bare bottom.


But I bet she did.


Earnest Silbury – December 1999



















Friday, 5 February 2021

Report at Four (M/m)

Have been amusing myself in the lonely weeks of January lockdown. Post Christmas, in normal times, I usually kill winter boredom with the odd heavenly massage or a visit to an enthusiastic wielder of a welcoming cane. Or preferably both if commitments allow. But these are not normal times so I have been passing the days with a few whacking tales stories. This, one of them, is a heavily fabricated tale redolent of a day in the 1950s when I and two friends got caned for spitting. The only similarities is being told to report at four to the teacher's staff room and waiting outside for nearly half an hour. My main memory is that the caning was a tremendous disappointment. Even in those far off days I had a strange mind. Enjoy. Alfred Roy


We all got one, four of us. Report at four. It struck fear into all our hearts.

All four of us.

No Brainer. We had skipped a PE lesson run by a dim and useless student teacher. Absolutely hopeless. Couldn’t even keep a proper register.

Do a bunk. Go into town. He will never know, never report it. Two hours in the local snooker halls and cafes. Freedom. Heaven. No one will know.

Except someone did.

So report at Four.

Headmasters summons. And that meant only one thing.

The cane.

And the cane in the headmaster’ study was no pleasant prospect.

Especially as he pulled no punches.

And, usually, trousers down.

So it was said.

Six was bad enough, the tears told.

Six with trousers down was awful.

Six strokes of his cane on a bum barely covered was a prospect both painful and humiliating.

Everyone said.

And now four of us faced that dreaded prospect.

Separate or together?

Or in pairs?

He had his foibles, his methods. Our beloved headmaster.

And we would shortly find out.

We would be caned. We knew that.

How and in what order.

We did not know.

We just had a summons.

Twitching cane and twitching headmaster.

Eager to mark our upturned bottoms.

Trousers down or otherwise.

We all read our notes again.

Report at four.

Knees trembled, stomachs churned, and bottoms, all four, twitched.

As they should.

He was big, over six foot three.

And built like a rugby forward.

His arm, the right one, packed  a real punch.

So it was said.

When he whacked his cane across your bum you did not think of flowers or sunsets. You just absorbed the fire and howled.

So they said.

And they should know.

Fellow pupils.

Those who had it, and those who imagined.

Imagined him taking down your pants.

Imagined him measuring and taking aim.

Imagining him whacking his stick into your cheeks and hearing you scream.

They knew.

And now it was your turn.

All four of you.

You stood outside his door. Snooker halls and cafes long forgotten, dismissed. Knees trembling. You would be in there soon, bending over, trousers down, bottom in the air waiting to be whacked. Six times. No more imagination. Now reality. And now you wanted to pee.

They said that his marks lasted for weeks.

Get six from him and the black and purple and crimson stripes could take an age to fade to green and yellow.

If they ever did.


You stand in line. All four of you.

In his study.

Holding your notes.

Report at Four.

He towers over you. All six foot three. Brandishing his cane.


Four strokes each boys. Decided. Four each on most of your well deserved backsides.

We flinch. In unison.

Four, not six.

A reprieve. Of sorts.

Your well deserved fourteen year old backsides.

I flinch again. I am fifteen. Is that why he said most?

You two, outside. You two stay here.

To both see and suffer.

He points to me and Taylor. As we leave we look across at Bailey and Fox.

Bailey is already crying.

And that is before he gets whacked.

We stand outside the study. Taylor and me. We could run but we don’t. We broke the rules. We must pay. And in our imagination we do.

Imagining what is happening.

To Fox.

And the tearful Bailey.

Imagine what is happening to them behind that closed door.

Imagine crimson strokes of a cane painting their behinds.

Shortly to be ours.

We do not speak. We listen.

And then we hear it. The first crisp stroke.

A cane hitting a bottom. Bent, proffered, trousers certainly down. Certainly bent.

And a howl, quite loud. A howl followed by another crisp stroke, a golf shot, and another, louder, howl.

Fox or Bailey, I think it is Bailey, is getting his four.

And once again I desire to pee.


I could be in there. I am in there.

I am watching Bailey getting his.

In my imagination.

And when he has, and when Fox has, both tearfully leave. Holding jackets and clutching behinds.

Behinds seared and scorched.

And now it is Taylor.

And me.

Entering the study of a twitching cane.

Ready for us.

I flinch and wait.

Jackets are removed.

Nothing must impede.

Taylor first. I to watch and wait.

I hold my breath and pray.

He drops his trousers when bid.

No protest, duly submissive.

Surprising really, as he is such caustic friend. Full face and front on in the playground.

But here, with the avenging headmaster, cane in readiness, he meekly accepts.

So trousers come down and he bends over.

His shirt briefly waving until turned up.

Rolled into his jumper.

Taylor’s underpants now resplendent in view.

Blue ones.

And taken down.

Revealing all.

A shock? Not really.

He, me, and the headmaster knew they would.

Come down. Everything, Baring his bum.

It is four, not six. And this is why.

Taylor flinches as his bum is bared.

I admire.

A lovely bum, a lovely bottom, cream and crisp. Unmarked For now.

 I drank it in. Two super naked cheeks, twitching in anticipation, bent and ready. Lovely orbs ready to be crimsoned by searing stripes.

Only four boy, he said, but on your bare behind.

I could just about see. I was behind our headmaster but he did not totally restrict my view.

I saw the raised shirt, the raised jumper, the naked behind. I saw the first swish of the cane as it landed across Taylor’s buttocks. I saw the first stripe. The crimson line that registered his caning.

And I heard the first gasp.

And the first shuffling forward of feet assuaging pain.

I was transfixed.

And I knew I would be next.

I drank in his strokes. All emblazoned on both his bottom and in my mind.

He took strokes two and three. I flinched. He shuffled feet and indicated tears.

I felt his pain, even though it was him, Taylor, who suffered it.

After the last he rose. Clutching his bottom and sobbing. It had hurt.

The cane had cut into him and throbbed its message.

He had changed from an accepting friend in adversity to a crying boy. To a boy, pulling up blue pants, who knew he had been caned.

And I was next.


The headmaster beckoned.

I moved forward and lowered my trousers.

Slowly at first, and then with a touch of bravado.

I pulled them down, the trousers, and bent over.

And then.


I registered my acceptance.

I lifted my shirt, tucked it into my jumper.

And I pulled down my own underpants.

Bared my bottom.

You may cane it, I seemed to say, but I prepare.

And as I gritted my teeth I sensed a perplexing anger.

I had denied the normal ritual. I had not followed the script and in doing so had enhanced my punishment.

Taylor still sobbed but all else was quiet.

You seem to be keen, the headmaster said.

I hope I do not disappoint.


He did not.


I looked at his carpet and then closed my eyes in readiness.

My bottom in the air, exposed, to now feel what I had only imagined.

I trembled, legs quivering.

Felt the touch of the cane across my cheeks.


A pause.

Then it, the cane, rose and for a second everything froze.

And I still had the desire to pee.


And then the second shock.

Six for you boy, you know why.

I didn’t, but the cane stilled any protest.

The flight of the unfair six began.


I did not feel the first stroke.

I heard it crack across my behind and sensed a gasp escape my lips.

But I did not feel it.

Not then.

The burning and searing pain came micro seconds later and as it registered in my brain the second stroke fell across the same tender place.

It was then I shuffled forward, still bent, still holding my legs.

Steeling myself again.

And the third stroke of his cane lashed into my behind and induced the sobs that flowed through four, five, and six.

The fourth cut me low across the bottom of my cheeks and I almost rose.

A cry escaped my lips and the tears welled.

The fifth, the unfair fifth, was higher, a bit of my bum not found til then, and I moved as if to escape the pain.

And then I stilled, screwed my eyes, gritted teeth again. Held on to my legs so tight I could still blood.

The last stroke.

Do not wait.

Do it.

Get it over with.

I sensed him take aim.

The cane touched my lacerated behind.

Then rose and fell in a vicious arc.

Across the centre of what, not moments ago, was unblemished skin.

Now blazingly chastised.

I gasped.

Now finished.


I reckon I moved at least a foot forward through the last three strokes. Especially the last.

Bent and bending I took them all and sobbed them all.

And Taylor gasped at most.

Gasped at the burning fire in my behind and the savage marks across.

Crimson and scarlet like his own.

He had seen what I had seen.

He had felt what I had felt. Almost.

And the man, the headmaster, who dealt it out was well satisfied.

Gingerly I lifted my underpants and trousers and rose into a standing position.

I dressed between sobs and vigorous rubbing of my burning and throbbing cheeks.

Taylor’s sobs had eased but his rubbing of his bottom still progressed.

This was a fire that would not fade early.

He gave us our jackets and bid us leave.

Four had reported, four had been caned.

In the manner that all boys should.

Across their behinds.

Bare as their mother saw them.

And now the final two left.

He had no regrets.


Neither did I


I had peed on his carpet.

Just a little.

But it felt good.


We examined our behinds later.

All four of us.

In the toilets.

Searing stripes, painted on virgin boyish bums.

All crimson.

All scarlet.

All admired.

Even the two that I, assumed ringleader, felt unfair.

Every weal absorbed.

Every weal felt.

Every weal stinging and burning.

And every weal still throbbing.


And we wondered. Collectively.

Will they ever fade?

To green.

To yellow.

To nothing.


They did, eventually.

And was it only I who sighed with regret?



Alfred Roy (2021)