Monday 20 February 2012

Challenging Times

I started this blog in late November, no idea how long I will keep it up, and have posted nine different stories to date. I say different but, as all who read know, someone eventually gets their pants taken down for a whacking. It usually takes time as I don’t like to rush things and, for me, a CP scene is much more interesting if we have got to know the participants. Both the wielder of the variety of implements, and the one who bares their bottom. It makes for a better picture and all here is aimed at readers who prefer a similar approach. You will rarely get a backside being thrashed in the first line but I am working on it.

As ever, the statistics continue to fascinate. In three months I have had over 2000 hits and the Whipstock Grange tale still leads the field with around 30% of the story visits. As that is F/M it suggests a bias to that genre. But the next three with over 15% each are Fridays at Three O’clock, A Private Rehearsal, and The Wall. The common factor here is that it is a young male on the receiving end with an adult male the disciplinarian in the third of these. As the only other F/M story posted, A Visit to Miss Court, has less than 3% of hits I reckon Whipstock Grange is an aberration due to the fact that it is a known establishment (easy to Google) and the situation was quasi real. I shall continue to mix the stories, after all variety is the spice of life, but am coming round to the conclusion that F/m, and possibly M/m, has the greatest appeal. A male teen to twenty getting smacked seems to be the abiding message.

I am now going to make life difficult for myself. My next two postings were going to be of the M/m variety. In the first (The Games Club) a young man, still in his teens, befriends a retired policeman at a Chess Club. Friends tell me it is one of my best. In the second (Mister Fred) a new PE teacher with a special flexible friend has an unnerving effect on his pupils. I shall post the first but rewrite the second. (Mistress Fred). So that is my challenge. To follow another M/m with one revised to F/m. Watch this space to see if I succeed.  Of course, if I fail I shall drop my pants for someone. Either way I win.

To come:  The Games Club (M/m) / Mistress Fred (F/m)

Your challenge is to e-mail a scenario you would like me to incorporate into a future story. I have written over fifty so one may already be in my files. No promises but any that appeal may find its way here. You know my style, tell me yours. But only in a couple of lines please. I need my imagination.