Sunday 25 August 2013


Life is all about anticipation. Good or bad, the journey to our goal often eclipses the event. R L Stephenson said, and I paraphrase, that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. Literally true in the case of some, long anticipated, holidays or theatrical offering. The pleasure, with rueful hindsight, was all in the preparation. Fearful anticipation is similar but frequently emotions are reversed. If we express disappointment when arriving at a dreary hotel that had filled our weeks with excitement, we equally express pleasurable relief when an experience we feared turned out to be nothing of the kind. Flying, visits to dentists, an important interview. All come into this category. Good or bad, whatever enriches or blights our lives is filled with anticipation. We spend every day anticipating tomorrow, whatever it may bring.

I have been thinking much on anticipation this past week or so. A few weeks ago I rashly booked an appointment with someone who specialises in sensual domination. The gender is irrelevant as, tied up and naked and blindfolded, it is only you that matters. Or it is in my case. I have flirted, briefly, with this side of my nature for some time. But a fully fledged session was a first. And I had a couple of weeks to think about it. Anticipation kicked in big time. Pleasure and fear combined and a fee, or tribute as it is sometimes called, was well earned even before I set out. The powerful force of anticipation had gone into overdrive and, good or bad, the actual experience could not negate that. I reckon, for submissives, it was always thus. We are hardwired from birth. Think about it.

The most fearful childhood memory for many of us of a certain age was that dreaded phrase ‘Wait till your father gets home.’ It is almost a cliché but it has that ring of awful truth. The uttered phrase usually meant, a few agonising hours later, a very sore bottom. However hard we were whacked it almost came as a blessed relief. No searing sting to our naked backsides could be as painful as the mind numbing wait. It was the same at school. Told in assembly to wait outside the headmaster’s study was the ultimate fear for every schoolboy. Long before any cane landed on juvenile trousers many were reduced to tears in anticipation. And if it was likely that those same trousers would be taken down the fear increased fourfold. Abject pain was quickly followed by relief. It was all over and the reality had been more bearable than the prospect. Summoned for unexpected corporal punishment in class created a similar scenario. Except the time between anticipation and bending down was considerably reduced and the relief, when it came, muted.

But it is when we get older that the pleasurable ingredient of anticipatory discipline begins to kick in. Initially it is a fearful, inexplicable, thrill when the teacher produces his cane or strap. You are frightened, you are scared, but you are also excited. Instant pain in your bottom is assuaged by comradely attention and the displaying of the marks. The suffering is eclipsed by the attention from schoolfellows. In your young and developing mind you begin to enjoy the anticipation regardless of the pain. It is but a short step to total enjoyment of the anticipatory fear, especially if your pants are coming down, and a lifetime of disciplinary pleasure. Without that anticipation no willing erstwhile schoolboy would ever stand in front of his master or mistress preparing to drop his pants. Without that anticipation, joyfully embraced or fearfully denied, no bottom would be bared and no cane would swing. Or at least not for a fee.

I paid that fee, it was a female dominant for those who wish to know such things, and it was well worth it. Tied up, naked, blindfolded, it was a long way from my school days. But in some respects, nasty cane landing on bare bottom, it was little different. Samuel Johnson said that ‘Nothing concentrates a man’s mind as much as knowing he will be hanged in the morning.’ Submissives would say that nothing concentrates the mind as much as knowing that his pants are coming down for a caning. That is what he loves, that is what he anticipates. Fathers and schoolmasters have a lot to answer for. Alfred Roy